End of the Rainbow

1999 | Series of large-format airbrush paintings.

«We can hardly be closer to a person, and yet we are infinitely far away: although we recognize all the veins and fibers of the iris abundantly clear, look far into the bottomless black of the pupil, but we do not see our counterpart, on the contrary. Although eyes of very specific people are depicted, the images paradoxically lead away from the individual and end in the idea of elementary energies: The structures of the iris can be read not only as details of a human eye, but also as flowing water, flickering fire, magical aurora, or eruptions of the sun. (...) The person evaporates: individual and cosmos flow into one another almost indistinguishably. A surprising metaphor for infinity - even after 15 years.» (Markus Stegmann)


2013 Lapilli, John Schmid Galerie, Basel
2000 Painterly. The 11th Vilnius Painting Triennial, Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius
1999 Silberfisch, kleines Helmhaus, Zürich
1999 Gisela Bullacher, Sonja Feldmeier, Inge Krause, Bernhard Suhr: Malerei und Fotografie, Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz

Markus Stegmann, Kunstbulletin 11/2013 (download)