Inhale Exhale

2007/2008 | Installative work complex, consisting of: My Way(sound installation), Bird Chat(video installation), Live(installation), In Your Room(video installation).

«Sonja Feldmeier has set up a world in the Kunsthalle Sankt Gallen that only dreamscapes can produce. With rusty ceiling supports, the artist lets a forest grow into the rooms.

This makeshift version of life that the labyrinthine prop installation traces continues in various nest formations: a sleeping camp, wool blankets everywhere, an animal nest in the smashed monitor. The atmospheric warmth gives the impression of body temperature in a secret lair.

Scraps of Frank Sinatra's ‹My Way› crumble in karaoke fashion from the dug-up rootstocks. The certainty of the right path and the experiences of hesitation and doubt, experimentation and erring stake out a tense framework.

Like mushroomy outgrowths, monitors are mounted in the frame, along with a satellite dish. People communicate through short messages to evade their loneliness. Simultaneously protected and locked away, a video clip is projected on the back wall of a stage-like barrier, bringing together seemingly contradictory poles. A woman, complete with drums and wrapped in a burqa except for her eyes, beats a jerking rhythm on the drums (composition: Pia Vonarburg) following the initially quiet parts of the image. East and West, oppression and self-determination find each other in a somnambulistic way and in a visionary freedom from values.

Sonja Feldmeier collects in the collective picture archive of world events and assembles the finds isolated from their respective contexts into new stories. Signs and clues condense in Inhale Exhaleinto complex metaphors and powerful images of identity and power construction.» (Ursula Badrutt Schoch) 

«With Inhale ExhaleSonja Feldmeier builds a nested complex consisting of an associative field - in the form of a metaphorical forest - and several autonomous works. The installative context allows the visitor to establish loose relationships between the works and also to sever again. With her approach, the artist alludes to communicative processes that, because of their open and always individual structure, never proceed in a linear fashion, but rather contribute to the formation of identities and role models via twists and turns and past abysses. Contrary to widespread opinion, Sonja Feldmeier shows that identities and role images may have outwardly stable forms, but that their substantial core is always changeable and reshapeable.» (Stefan Wagner)


2007 Inhale Exhale, Kunsthalle Sankt Gallen, St. Gallen

see also In Your Room

Stefan Wagner, Embedded (download)