Meter hinter dem Meeresspiegel

2005-2012 | complex of works of paintings; plaster models, video

«The fictional landscapes are mental topographies, both strange and familiar, which can be reoccupied - even if they still retain their political and postcolonial relationships due to the highly charged patterns employed.« (Eva Scharrer)

Meters behind sea level defines a fictional space comparable to the myth of the sunken city of Atlantis, whose physical disappearance has made room for its resurrection in fiction. The space is defined by images whose model character denies the viewer the possibility of an everyday interpretation and shorthand classification because what is visible does not readily correspond to what is expected. (Barbara Reber)

Meters behind sea level is a group of works in which I develop different formats based on military camouflage patterns, which are shown in an installative context. 

Starting from military camouflage patterns of individual countries, I develop fictitious maps. In a multi-stage process, the reduced features of imitated flora and geology are given the characteristics of a cartographic representation.

2014 Collecting. Umgang mit Sammlungen, Kunstmuseum Baselland
2012 Ernte – Kunstankäufe des Kantons Basel-Landschaft, Kunstmuseum Baselland
2009 Three leap seconds later, Kunsthaus Grenchen, Grenchen
2007 Lost Call, Ausstellungsraum Klingental, Basel
2006 Repatriated Territories, Spazio Culturale La Rada, Locarno
2006 Galerie Ruzicska/Weiss, Düsseldorf
2006 Dark Angel, Galerie Hans-Trudel-Haus, Baden
2006 Von Erde schöner, Galerie Bernd Kugler, Innsbruck
2006 emerging artists 06: Schweiz, Sammlung Essl, Wien
2005 Meter hinter dem Meeresspiegel, Galerie Parisa Kind, Frankfurt

Works from the group of works Meter hinter dem Meeresspiegel are in the following collections: Kunstsammlung des Bundesamt für Kultur, Sammlung Kunstkredit Basel-Stadt, Sammlung Kunstkredit, Museum.BL des Kantons Basel-Landschaft

Barbara Reber, Landkarten des Ungesehenen (download)
Barbara Reber, Maps of the unseen (download)
Eva Scharrer, Kunstbulletin 4/07 (download)