Saint Over

2012/2009 | Mixed Media Installation

«With this audio installation integrated into a car, Sonja Feldmeier outlines a thoroughly contemporary interpretation of the idea of vanitas. A scree-like structure occupies the interior of the car, as if it had absorbed all the landscapes through which it has raced in the course of its life - as if they were its own deposited ‹material memories›. Only the soundtrack provides a reminiscence of movement and time, of the sound mix of bass sounds from the radio and the sound of wind brushing across the landscape it has traversed. The license plate then makes it clear: ST OVER - the journey is over.» (Irene Müller)

2010 from nowhere to somewhere, Kunstraum Baden
2009 Walk On The Light Side, eggn'spoon im EWZ-Mustergarten, Zürich
2009 Das Perückenregal, M54 und Aussenprojekt, Basel

Irene Müller, Kunstbulletin 6/2010 (download)