
2006/2004 | video installation

«Neverendingis a cleverly staged video installation in which the conventions of the black box are reinterpreted. The video booth is transformed into the interior of a service elevator, on the back wall of which a permanently opening and closing elevator door is projected.

For brief moments, this door provides a view of various floors, a fitness center, a piano player, an animal shelter, a corridor with several opening elevator doors, a chicken farm, or the cabin of a wide-bodied airplane. In the endless loop of the video work, the fiction of a never-ending architecture is conveyed, a vertical city, so to speak.» (Konrad Bitterli) 

«Neverendingpacks life into 20-second video sequences and shows the world as a giant indoor mall. The individual sectors seem unnatural and artificial even when they are stuffed with plants. It is about places that are created by human hands. Feldmeier does not show nature, but situations that depict social scales and hierarchies: a stocktaking from the belly of the Western world.» (Claudia Spinelli)

The installation Neverending is in the collection of the Kunstmuseum Basel since 2012

2013 Sammlungspräsentation, Museum für Gegenwartskunst Basel
2008 Real Estate, Kunstmuseum Solothurn
2006 Visioni del Paradiso, Istituto Svizzero, Roma
2006 emerging artists 06: Schweiz, Sammlung Essl, Wien
2004/05 Auswahl 04, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau

Die Installation Neverending befindet sich seit 2012 in der Sammlung des Kunstmuseums Basel

Giovanni Carmine, Sammeln, Einordnen und Türe öffnen (download)
Giovanni Carmine, Sammeln, Collect Classify and Open Doors (download)

Werkbeitrag Aarau 2013